We get asked all the time, what is a land trust and what does the Tiverton Land Trust do?
A land trust is a nonprofit organization that, as all or part of its mission, actively works to conserve land by undertaking or assisting in conservation easement acquisition, by its stewardship of such land or easements, or by encouraging or assisting with good land-use practices.
The Tiverton Land Trust is a private, non-profit, charitable organization in Tiverton, Rhode Island that acquires land or conservation and agricultural easements for the purpose of limiting commercial development and preserving open space, natural areas, waterways, and/or productive farms and forests.
The goal of conservation land trusts is to preserve sensitive natural areas, farmland, water sources, cultural resources, or notable landmarks. Conservation trusts often, but not always, target lands adjacent to or within existing protected areas. However, land areas that are particularly valuable in terms of natural or cultural resources or are home to endangered plants or wildlife are good candidates for receiving protection efforts.
Many different strategies are used in land conservation, including the outright acquisition of the land by the trust. In other cases, the land will remain in private hands, but the trust will purchase conservation or agricultural easements on the property to prevent development, or purchase development rights on the land.
As a non-profit organization, The Tiverton Land Trust relies on donations, grants, and public land acquisition programs for operating expenses and for acquiring land and easements. Donors often provide monetary support, but it is common for conservation-minded landowners to donate an easement on their land, or the land itself.
Do you have land you want to protect from development pressures? To find out if conservation may work to help protect your land, email us at info@tivertonlandtrust.org to get a land conservation consultation.