Basket Swamp
Basket Swamp, formerly known as Sandywoods, is a 96-acre forest purchased in July 2009 from Dr. Joseph Bossom and Mika Seeger. The land will be kept as forested open space.
Pardon Gray Preserve
The 230-acre Pardon Gray Preserve was purchased and preserved as a permanent open space by the Tiverton Land Trust in 2000. It is an active farm and forest preserve adjacent to Main Road in South Tiverton and contiguous with the 550-acre Weetamoo Woods Open Space.
Pereira Property
TLT purchased 48 acres of forest from the family of Alfred and Mary Pereira in the summer of 2006. The acreage fronts to the west of Main Road, near its southern junction with Nanaquaket Road.
Highland Woods
The TLT purchased 16 acres from the family of the late Virginia Clark, a longtime Tiverton resident. The property is adjacent to the Fort Barton Redoubt and Fort Barton Woods, affords additional open space to the area, and enhances Tiverton's historical legacy.
Pocasset Ridge
The Nature Conservancy, Tiverton Land Trust, and Tiverton Open Space Commission partnered together to protect this forested swath of Pocasset Ridge. The property offers unfragmented forest and great hiking over rough and rocky terrain.
Durfee Property
The Tiverton Land Trust purchased 63 forested acres, part of the Pocasset Ridge, from the Lorraine Durfee Estate in May 2011. The oak-hickory forest overlooks Nanaquaket Pond to the west; its granite ridgelines are clearly visible from Main Road.